GO! Borderless Square
Advised entity: GECT GO / EZTS GO
As part of the 2025 European joint Capital of Culture, Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy) will organize events and activities in the shared area of the piazza Transalpina – Trg Evrope square. Yet, the different and sometimes incompatible systems of national rules between the two cities on several matters (security, insurance coverage, music rights) make the management of events in a cross-border area more complex.
Facilitating youth mobility across borders
Advised entity: EGTC European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino
Based on an Italian law, it is required that minors obtain the approval of the police to travel abroad. Parents and schools have to go through a burdensome procedure which affects the mobility of minors, including students going on a school trip, in the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino and in all Italian border regions.
Water governance in European Natural Park of Scarpe Escaut
Advised entity: European Natural Park of Scarpe Escaut Plains
Even though the abundance of transboundary watersheds has brought the French and Belgian territories of the European Natural Park of Scarpe Escaut Plains closer together, shared water management also causes problems. Different regulations on the two sides of the border make it difficult to implement holistic actions, which is further complicated by the number of stakeholders involved. A recent dike break with severe consequences for the population and the environment has highlighted once more the importance of a common set of legal and technical tools for joint coordination of the park.
Cross-border acknowledgement of dealer plates
Advised entity: EUREGIO
A lack of cooperation between competent authorities in Germany and the Netherlands creates obstacles for car dealers, workshops or manufacturers in the EUREGIO border area who use so-called “dealer plates” for vehicles in their businesses. Dutch and German dealer plates differ with regard to the requirements for obtaining it as well as its appearance, and although the EU Commission has urged member states to recognise foreign dealer plates, this is not the case between Germany and the Netherlands. As a result, car dealers often face difficulties or even have to fear police measures if they want to cross the border for a test drive or have cars repaired in the neighbouring country.
Boosting Minho River cross-border sharing services
Advised entity: River Minho EGTC
In the Rio Minho border region, the first truly joint cross-border e-bike system between Spain and Portugal was established in 2022, reflecting the strong sentiment for cross-border cooperation in this densely populated region. Although the e-bike system is managed by the Rio Minho EGTC, which is a European legal entity with its own legal personality, tax regulations complicate the shared management of the project. In particular, it was necessary for the EGTC, which has its seat in Portugal, to set up a secondary office in Spain in order to comply with VAT requirements. Finding a solution to fiscal obstacles would greatly enhance the efficiency of such shared public services.
Cross-border supervised driving: Germany and the Netherlands
Advised entity: EUREGIO
Young people that live in the border region of the Netherlands and Germany take their drivers licence exam in their own respective country, based on specific national requirements which differ in the two countries. For drivers to become familiar with different traffic rules of the neighbouring country (for example specific speed limits, rules related to cyclists, markings and signs) and behaviour in traffic on the other side of the border, it is wished for that driving instructors would offer driving lessons in the neighbouring country. This, however, is not foreseen by the law in either country. Removing the barriers to cross-border driving lessons will familiarise young people with driving in the neighbouring country, thus improving their mobility and reducing risks in the road.
3Land-Bridge over the Rhine — the way to the state treaty
Advised entity: Eurodistrict Trinational de Bâle / Trinationaler Eurodistrict Basel
The 3Land project between France, Germany and Switzerland includes the creation of a cross-border bridge dedicated to trams, pedestrians and cyclists between Huningue in France and Basel-Kleinhüningen in Switzerland. This bridge would be an innovative achievement and a step forward for cross-border cooperation in terms of urban, economic and sustainable development. Nevertheless, different rules of competition and construction for the bridge (work permits, tax and customs provisions, border control facilities, etc.) are an impediment to the development of the project.
Rebuilding of the shelter "Europahütte - Rifugio Europa"
Advised entity: EGTC European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino
The state border between Italy and Austria runs directly through an alpine shelter called “Europahütte - Rifugio Europa”, which has existed for more than 100 years. The building is damaged and needs to be rebuilt, which raises questions about which national legal system to apply for the reconstruction of this refuge located in two countries.
Cross-border roads reopening
Advised entity: Pays Pyrénées Méditerranée
The closing of 5 cross-border roads between the Pyrénées-Orientales department (France) and the Provincia de Gérone (Spain) decided by a French prefectural decree of 8 January 2021 has limited cross-border cooperation for more than two years. The reopening of these roads would enable to relaunch tourism, cultural and outdoor activities heavily impacted by the Covid crisis. It would also allow firefighters and emergency groups to use these roads and intervene faster if needed. However, the affected municipalities have no mandate to influence the decision by the French prefectural decree.
Hiring of cross-border workers with two jobs
Advised entity: AECT- Hospital de Cerdanya / GECT-Hôpital de Cerdagne
The EGTC-Hospital de Cerdanya (GECT-HC), located in Puigcerdà (Catalonia, Spain) is the first cross-border healthcare centre in Europe. Currently, all the French workers at the cross-border hospital are hired by the “Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan”, and then seconded to the EGTC-HC. But to hire workers who already have a job in France, and thus would be considered cross-border multi-occupational workers, is a complex and long administrative procedure due to the differences in the social security contributions between the two countries. Simplifying the procedure would facilitate the curtailment of cross-border health workers having several work occupations.
Cross-border cooperation for winter road maintenance in the Pyrenees
Advised entity: AECT Pirineos-Pyrénées
In two of the Pyrenees' highest cross-border crossings, the El Portalet and Bielsa-Aragnouet Tunnels, French and Spanish staff work together to keep the routes open and accessible during the winter despite the snow. But this is difficult due to disparities in insurance coverage, training, and other requirements such as different schedules and equipment on the two sides of the border.
Improving winter road services at cross-border crossings through harmonisation of existing frameworks is critical for cross-border mobility and routes' safety.